When looking to raise funds for your business or project, there are many avenues you can turn to. Crowdfunding is one of the most utilized fundraising tools, and it can help propel a business to success. Crowdfunding has been exploding in popularity over the past several years, and experts say the global market is currently worth more than $28 billion. Not only that, but the North American market alone is currently valued at more than $17 billion. With numbers this big, it’s no wonder why more and more people are turning to crowdfunding. Michael Lauchlan is a crowdfunding expert. Known as the Crowdfund King, Lauchlan has experienced first-hand the prosperity crowdfunding can bring to a business. Now, he’s sharing some of his insider tips, and explaining why many businesses will consider crowdfunding in 2020.
Michael, what is your background?
I’ve been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember, but I guess you can say I found my start as a broke college student. I was struggling, just like many of us do, and I really wanted to figure out a way to find financial freedom. I was able to successfully crowdfund my first project with $25,000. After that, I realized that I was on to something, and I could use these skills not only for myself but share them with other people.
Explain your business to us.
For more than three years I’ve been harnessing the power of crowdfunding to find fiscal freedom. Now, I’m helping other business people and entrepreneurs unlock that potential. With my online course, Crowdfund King, I teach others exactly how they can find success thanks to crowdfunding. Right now, there are thousands of live campaigns, vying for dollars. I teach entrepreneurs the skills they need to not only stand out from the pack, but master the key points of crowdfunding, in order to have a successful campaign. I recently spoke about exactly how the crowdfunding industry has changed. And the industry is always morphing, meaning you need to know how to keep up.
Why is crowdfunding such a successful avenue?
Let’s talk about what crowdfunding is exactly. Crowdfunding turns to the masses and allows many people to invest small amounts of capital in your project or business. It’s an incredible alternative to other forms of fundraising, such as pitching your project to big lenders. With crowdfunding, you have the power of the world as your potential, which is essentially limitless.
Why will many businesses consider crowdfunding in 2020?
The importance of digital and social media platforms only continues to grow. And when we’re talking about crowdfunding, we need to understand exactly how intertwined it is with these platforms. One massive key to success when it comes to crowdfunding has to do with tapping into social media and hitting your key customers. So, to bring that all together, because people are using digital and social media platforms more and more, there are just as many more potential investors in your crowdfunding campaign.
How can interested entrepreneurs work with you?
I’m currently accepting applications from entrepreneurs who are interested in working with me. My goal is to truly help you earn the money you deserve, with the help of crowdfunding. I’ve figured out the ropes, and now my mission is to help other entrepreneurs do the same. I’m also eager to share tips online with entrepreneurs. People interested in working with me can reach out through my website.