With over 800 million registered users, having a LinkedIn account for your business is the right call. It’s a powerful platform that can help you build relationships, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website – when used correctly. There is such a thing as oversharing on LinkedIn. If you want to make the most of this social media platform, there are certain types of content that you should avoid posting.

Here are three types of content to not post on your LinkedIn account to avoid hurting your business’s brand.

Confidential Client Information

You don’t want anyone to think that your business can’t be trusted with information as this can damage your reputation. People are unwilling to do business with companies they don’t feel they can trust and if word gets out that you’re not keeping your client’s information confidential, you’ll lose business.

Also, if this type of information were to get into the wrong person’s hands, it could cause serious legal implications for your business.

But what exactly is confidential client information? It can be defined as any type of information that is known to a company as a result of a client-customer relationship and is not publicly available. This includes the financial information of past and ongoing projects, contact information from cell phone leads or other confidential databases, proprietary information, and non-public performance data.

Negative Rants

You want to avoid posting any type of rants on your LinkedIn account. 

This type of content is unprofessional and can also damage your business’s reputation. If potential customers see that you’re the type of business that likes to complain and put others down, they’re likely to take their business elsewhere. Other business owners and professionals are also likely to avoid working with you if they see that you’re prone to ranting.

Examples of negative rants include content that complains about a current or past employee, gripes about customers or vendors, or bashes a competitor.

Inappropriate Content

This should go without saying, but posting any type of inappropriate content on your LinkedIn account is a third surefire way to damage your business’s reputation. 

While it’s perfectly fine to post photos and videos that show the culture of your company or team members in action, avoid anything that can be construed as inappropriate. 

What’s considered inappropriate varies from person to person, but as a general rule of thumb, prime examples of inappropriate content include photos or videos that contain nudity, or obscene gestures, and any type of content that can be considered racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory.

When it comes to LinkedIn, there are certain types of content to avoid posting if you want to maintain a professional image for your business. These include content that is confidential, negative, or inappropriate. By refraining from posting this type of content, you can ensure that your LinkedIn account is a positive reflection of your business.