Everyone wants a fulfilling career but it can feel like it’s impossible if you’ve had a string of bad jobs. Well, you’re not alone! According to a study done by Gallup, only 20% of the global workforce is actually engaged with what they do. While the job search can be a complex and overwhelming process for many, Career Coach and LinkedIn Top Voice Sho Dewan has been working with his Workhap team to debunk this narrative and help thousands get hired with the best companies in the world. These are the three steps he recommends to get your job search back on track and land in a new career that fulfills you!

Step 1: Know where you want to go

Sho likes to describe the job search as an all you can eat buffet. “I tell all my clients to treat the different roles they see in the market as different dishes to try in a buffet. Once you get a “taste” of a few of them by speaking to different people and doing your research, you have a better understanding of the types of roles & companies that are better suited for you,” says Sho about the initial stage of the job search. 

After getting clear on what you want, the next step is to understand the journey to get there. And the best way to do that is to speak to others who have the role and careers that you want! “Networking with someone new sounds scary but in reality, it’s just like making a new friend. You never go into a new friendship thinking what you can get out of the other person, so don’t do that when you network,” explains Sho who has built a strong community of his own on TikTok with 180,000+ followers.

Step 2: Get experience any way you can

Regardless of your educational background, the #1 factor that recruiters look for is relevant experience in the field you are going for. And Sho says that is one of the main things that candidates often overlook. “The biggest mistake that many candidates make is that they think that having an education (degree or certification) is enough to get hired. They think that if they finish up a program and slap it on their resume, that will get recruiters’ attention. But the reality is, that is just the start. It is a ‘nice to have’ but not sufficient alone to get you hired,” says Sho.

We all think that we need experience to get more experience but that’s not true! Sho explains that experience can even be you volunteering at your local church or helping out a friend with his side business. “Experience is experience,” Sho describes frequently in his TikTok videos that has garnered over 17M views!

Step 3: Be different!

It’s easy to get discouraged after a few rejections but understand that everyone goes through these hurdles before reaching their goals. And what Sho says that separates top talent from the others is that they look for ways to be different! “Instead of sending out their resume to 100s of applications on LinkedIn, they reach out to specific teams and hiring managers. Instead of having one generic resume, they craft a new one every single time. Instead of relying on recruiters to find them on LinkedIn, they create a portfolio and send it out to different companies,” explains Sho.

So when in doubt, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite! The path to your fulfilling career looks like this — getting clear on what you want to do, soaking in the experiences you can get your hands on, and being different from the rest!

You can learn more about Sho and his team at Workhap on their website: www.workhap.com and their social media channels here: